Genealogy Numbering System

Book Format Info

There can be considerable confusion with so many families. To ease the confusion, a
numbering system is used throughout the geneaolgy documents.

The leading digits indicate the parent's number, and the last digit indicates the placement
in the family (i.e. a:3.2 is the second child of the a:3 parents).

# a: Father
> a:1 First Child
> a:2 Second Child =>
> a:3 Third Child =>
> a:4 Fourth Child =>
# a:2 Second Child
> a:2.1 First Child of a:2
# a:3 Third Child
> a:3.1 First Child of a:3 =>
> a:3.2 Second Child of a:3
# a:3.1 First Child of a:3
> a:3.1.1 First Child of a:3.1 =>
> a:3.1.2 Second Child of a:3.1
> a:3.1.3 Third Child of a:3.1 =>
# a:3.1.1 First Child of a:3.1
> a: First Child of a:3.1.2
# a:3.1.3 Third Child of a:3.1
> a: First Child of a:3.1.3
> a: Second Child of a:3.1.3
# a:4 Fourth Child
> a:4.1 First Child of a:4
> a:4.2 Second Child of a:4
> a:4.3 Third Child of a:4
> a:4.4 Fourth Child of a:4
Note that a '-' is used instead of a '.' after every fifth character to help distinguish the
differences between long strings of numbers ... for example,

The last digit, 1, indicates I am the eldest in my family, the next digit, 7, indicates
my father was the 7th child in his family, the next digit, 3, indicates my grandfather
was the 3rd child in his family, and the next digit, 1, indicates my great-grandfather
was the eldest in his family.

The => symbol indicates more information is in the another section. Additional sections
are used only if there are children. For example, if a:3.2 married, but had no children,
then no new section would be created. But if there are children, a new section must be

The following is correct:

                                         * 21 Feb 1923, North of Beulah, ND
                                         oo Esther Christine Dorothea Ricker, 8 Feb 1948
                                              * 2 Feb 1930, North of Golden Valley, ND
                                            * 1 Sep 1949, Hazen, North Dakota
                                            * 1 Sep 1949, Hazen Hospital, North Dakota

Genealogy Symbols

* Born (Geboren)
+ Died (Gestorben)
~ Baptized (Taufe)
oo Married, Date (symbol of wedding rings) (Eheschlieszung, Datum)
oo2 Married second time (Zweite Eheschlieszung)
d/o Daughter of
s/o Son of
=> More information in a following section (Mehr information im folgend teil)
# The symbol at the beginning of each section
> The symbol for each child ... the names after the husband and wife are the children.

Information for adding updates to the Book

  • Contact Clyde Eisenbeis ... he will email to you your family number and current information.
  • Edit (make additions / corrections) the information emailed to you.
  • Email the information to Clyde.

  • Guidelines:

  • Information should be stored in a text format (*.txt) or Microsoft Word (*.doc or docx) in a Lucida Console format.
  • Use spaces ... do not use tabs ... to align the information the way it is found in the book.
  • Use the genealogy numbering system described above.
  • Each family (father, mother, children) must have its own section separated by a line of dashes
  • Precede the genealogy number with a # for the father or mother (depending on who is the direct descendent) and a > symbol for each child.
  • All direct descendants must be in UPPER CASE letters (this means the father or mother and all children should be in capital letters … the spouse name should not be in all capital letters).
  • List nicknames in parenthesis ... JOHANN (HANS) EISENBEIß, ... nickname is HANS.
  • For the designation JR., SR. or II, place this designation immediately after the first name ... otherwise there could be an index creation error. Not JOHANN JAKOB EISENBEIß JR. but rather JOHANN JR. JAKOB EISENBEIß, or JOHANN SR. JAKOB EISENBEIß, or JOHANN II JAKOB EISENBEIß
  • For twins, list it on a line other than on the line with the name ... not JOHN EISENBEISS (twin), but rather JOHN EISENBEISS and the word twin on another line. It is important the last word on the line is the last name.
  • If a name is unknown, use a question mark ... ? Ricker ... or ... Frieda ?.
  • The d/o and s/o are to be used only for spouses. These names should be in Title Case, not upper case .
  • All dates must be in a dd mmm yyyy (for example 16 Feb 2010) format.

  • Contact Clyde Eisenbeis for additions and corrections.